Berkeley Lab

Electrical Safety Training

All employees at Berkeley Laboratory are required to have some level of electrical safety training.  The specific training requirements are determined by your WPC, Job Hazards Analysis (JHA), or Activity Hazard Document (AHD) (see PUB-3000, Chapter 6, Appendix D [Activity Hazard Document (AHD) Process]), prior to performing work.

Subcontractors should visit the Subcontractor section for additional information.

For all courses, Click-Here-Blue to sign-up through the Berkeley Lab Training Department.

Select EHS – Safety Training Courses to the left, then scroll down to the class you wish to sign up for and click the class link. Sign in with your LDAP, check “Electrical Safety” and the date range.  Available courses will be displayed, and allow for sign up.

Non-QEW personnel who work in laboratory or technical spaces shall take:

EHS Course # EHS Course Name Frequency
EHS0260 Electrical Safety for non-QEW Lab Personnel 3 Years


Standby Persons are not required to be QEWs, but must complete:

EHS Course # EHS Course Name Frequency
EHS0116 First Aid 2 Years
EHS0123 CPR/AED 2 Years
EHS0260 Electrical Safety for non-QEW Lab Personnel 3 Years
EHS0536 Electrical Switching for non-QEWs 3 Years
EHS0537 Electrical Injuries and Emergency Response 3 Years


Employee and Subcontractor Qualified Electrical Workers (QEWs) should visit the QEW Training section


Contact the LBNL EHS Electrical Safety Team to discuss your needs.